Michael Dailey

Associate Professor
Carver Center for Imaging (CCI) Director

Research summary

Microglial cell structure and function in mammalian brain development and pathology

Research in our laboratory seeks to understand the roles of glial cells in mammalian brain development and response to neural injury. Current projects are focused on identifying how specific purinergic signaling pathways regulate microglial cell activation, survival, and mobilization. To address these questions, we utilize confocal and multiphoton imaging methodology in combination with pharmacological and genetic manipulations. Models of brain injury include ischemic stroke and fetal alcohol spectrum disorders in ex vivo cell culture and tissue slice preparations, and in intact brain in vivo.

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Research areas
  • Cell and developmental biology
  • Neurobiology
Michael Dailey portrait
PhD, Washington University (St. Louis)
Contact Information

University of Iowa
369A Biology Building (BB)
129 East Jefferson Street
Iowa City, IA 52242
United States